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(4 Objets)

Rouge Griotte大理石的名字取自同名的樱桃,具有独特的鲜红色。当大理石中含有许多方解石(构成大理石的化石壳)并填充有白色方解石时,就称为鹧鸪眼 »






19世纪,这种大理石仍然非常有名并被广泛使用。巴黎歌剧院(Opéra Garnier)装潢精美,为大休息室(Grand Foyer)配备了刻有红色的巨大壁炉。



这种享有盛誉的红色广泛用于钟表和小雕像等物体的装饰,除其他大理石外,还用于装饰建筑外墙。宫殿,豪宅和教堂都使用过它,例如Hôtel de Cassini1768),其餐厅设有莫雷洛大理石门面。拿破仑·波拿巴(Napoleon Bonaparte)的凯旋门(Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel)(1809年)的樱桃大理石制成的饰带使它具有令人钦佩的庄重性。


主要采石场位于卡尔卡松东北的Caunes-MinervoisFélines-Minervois。意大利古代雕刻家斯特凡诺·索尔马诺(Stefano Sormano)和安托万·利尼亚尼(Antoine Lignani)于1615年左右重新发现了它们,并开始将各种卡恩斯大理石换成卡拉拉白色大理石。




J. Dubarry de Lasalle, Identifying marbles, Ed. H. Vial, Dourdan, 2000

J. Dubarry de Lasalle, Using marbles, Ed. H. Vial, Dourdan, 2005

P. Julien, Marbres, From Quarries to Palaces, ed. Le Bec en l'air, Manosque, 2006

Marmi antichi, collective work, ed. De Luca, Rome, 1998

Sample of Red Griotte marble
Fireplace in Louis XV's cabinet at Versailles Palace made out of Griotte red marble.
Fireplace kept at the Louvre museum in Paris made out of Griotte red marble and with bronze ornaments.
Fireplace of Louis XVI's Wardrobe Cabinet, Palace of Versailles.
Fireplace of the Gilded Study, Palace of Versailles.
Fireplace of Madame Victoire’s Appartments, Palace of Versailles.
Fireplace of Marie-Antoinette’s Appartments, later moved in Louis XV’s Room at the Petit Trianon.
Detail of the fireplace kept at the Louvre museum.
Fireplace from Talairac Hotel’s Salon, kept today at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris.
Monumental fireplace of the Grand Foyer in the Opera Garnier, Paris. The jambs feature lions' heads and are made out of Griotte red marble.
Clock by Balthazard, Chateau of Fontainebleau.
The Carrousel Arch of Triumph, Carrousel place, Paris.
Quarry of Caunes-Minervois, France.